On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Suresh Sadhu <suresh.sa...@citrix.com>

> HI,
> Code not changed recently  and try uploading the keys(root,intermediate)
> using api which was mentioned by you (Guide followed:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Procedure+to+Replace+realhostip.com+with+Your+Own+Domain+Name)
>  and  server certifictate through UI.
This is beginning to drive me mad.

- I have converted the original PEM key to PKCS#8 (twice according to docs).
- I've tried both with pythons urllib.quote to encode, as well as using
advanced rest client in chrome.
- I've verified with openssl that the key matches the cert (and to be
frank, we're using this in a lot of other places, including another
cloudstack install...)

Currently I end up with the following:
2015-03-31 23:44:38,598 ERROR [o.a.c.f.s.k.KeystoreManagerImpl]
(API-Job-Executor-28:ctx-d0153497 job-426 ctx-443ae0ac) Certificate
validation failed due to exception for domain: xyz.com
java.security.cert.CertificateException: Could not parse certificate:
java.io.IOException: Incomplete data

Adding root and intermediate certs work, it's apparently the wildcard
certificate (or corresponding key) that fails for some reason.


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