Kevin, what you intent to do sound promising. I think you are on your own
in collecting data but by the sound of it you allready have a list of 110
name/question pairs, do you? If not, how do you intent to do the collection
of the data you require?

On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Kevin van den Bekerom <> wrote:

> Dear Developers of the Apache Accumulo project,
> My name is Kevin van den Bekerom and I am currently doing my Master's
> research on the topic of false alarms in test code. I would like to ask the
> input of the Cloudstack development team categorizing test code bugs.
> My research is based on a recent paper by Arash et al. (
> They conducted an
> empirical study, categorizing "test code bugs" in Apache software projects,
> e.g. semantic, flaky, environmental, etc. A "test code bug" is a failing
> test, where the System Under Test is correct, but the test code is
> incorrect. To identify test code bugs they looked at issues in JIRA, and
> checked if the fixing commit was only in the test code. Only fixed issues
> were counted and categorised.
> My goal is to replicate their results using a different approach, i.e. ask
> developers that were involved in the issue and/or fix how they would
> categorize it.  For the Cloudstack project they counted 111 test code bugs.
> Insight into false positives can therefore be very relevant for your
> project. Note that they only sampled a number of identified test code bugs
> for individual inspection (30 for the Accumulo project).
> I would like to ask the Cloudstack team’s participation in categorizing the
> various test code bugs. I will provide a list of JIRA IDs which are
> identified as test code bugs and an initial list of categories to aid in
> the categorization process. In my belief, the developers that worked on the
> issue are the one's that are most capable of categorizing the issue. Please
> let me know if this project looks interesting to you and if you are willing
> to help me out.
> As a next step I will look for common patterns in identified test code bugs
> and my aim is to extent static source code analysis techniques to be also
> suited to find test code bugs. I am of course very happy to share my
> findings with the team.
> Hope to hear from you!
> With kind regards,
> Kevin van den Bekerom
> --
> *Kevin van den Bekerom* | Intern
> +31 6 21 33 93 85 |
> Software Improvement Group |


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