
You are great! And now that Mohammed Ali has passed away from us ...

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 3:21 PM, Pierre-Luc Dion <pdion...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> From the #jenkins slack channel discussion this morning we kind a took a
> quick action on getting our hands on domain registration for
> apachecloudstack{.org,.net}
> So, we also did some DNS updated until we have help from INFRA to use
> cloudstack.org  which to me make more sense.
> So we added few dns entry:
> builds.apachecloudstack.net       => new jenkins to replace
> jenkins.buildacloud.org
> download.apachecloudstack.net =>  cname to cloudstack.apt-get.eu
> artifacts.apachecloudstack.net    => nexus service for the new jenkins
> system
> all apachecloudstack.org point to .net
> Cheers,


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