I added 2 columns to https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Roadmap to facilitate the discussion.

"Last Updated" can give the reader some idea about the currency of the information. "Comments" should allow some light discussion. Heavy discussion could be a good indication that the item needs its own child page.

Please have a look to see if any of these tasks are yours and bring them up to date. If you think that a task has died, please at least add a comment or if you are certain, delete the task.

Feel free to remove my questions from the comment field if you update the task status.

The title of the page is Roadmap and it starts out "This is the roadmap for CloudStack code development." which implies that there is some level of shared commitment to implement these things within a timeframe that would match users expectations for "soon".

A lot of the items do not have JIRAs.
Does this mean that they are so far out in the future that they are not really relevant to a roadmap and should be moved to a "wishlist"?

The title also gives the expectation that this covers all of the major enhancements in the foreseeable future.
Anything that is being worked on for 4.10 should be on this list by now.


On 17/06/2016 10:25 AM, Ron Wheeler wrote:


Needs updating. Some of the work must have been completed since it is slotted for 4.6.

Perhaps this is the page to start laying out the "new" release protocol and to start to collect the tasks for 4.10 and 4.11

It would also be a good place to collect ideas for 5.0 so that we can see what the proposed release numbering and delivery schedule actually means in terms of delivery of functionality.

The mailing list discussion has been pretty robust and a lot of writing has been done that deserves a more permanent home and some more concrete descriptions of proposed work.


Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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