Hi All

Friendly reminder,

The call is next week Wednesday the 6th of September @ 9AM.

Please kindly submit your drafts by EOD Monday September 4th.

I need to collate it all and set time aside for each speaker.

If you miss EOD Monday deadline - with all fairness to everyone, I can't
promise you will have an opportunity to talk.


On 8/25/17 9:42 AM, Paul Angus wrote:
> Hi Ilya and everyone,
> Please find below our ShapeBlue submission.  We shouldn’t have any items
> in our list that we need to bring particular attention to on the call,
> but I’ll happily discuss any that may conflict or overlap to get a
> resolution or cooperation.
> BTW. I’m away for the coming week.
> <Subject>CloudStack fat jar packaging </Subject>
>     <Short Summary>CloudStack installation has huge dependency on distro
> provided tomcat, by moving to embedded jetty (like we do use jetty for
> development) we can sync how developers develop/test mgmt servers and
> users use it. In addition, it will be easier to publish pkgs without
> depending on distro provided dependencies.</Short Summary>
>     <Lead(s)>R Yadav/MA Brothier</Lead(s)>
>     <Target Date></Target Date>
> <Subject>Debian9 systemvmtemplate </Subject>
>     <Short Summary>Required update, Debian7 is EOL, moving to Debian9
> will give;  newer kernel, newer packages, Smaller disk footprint (faster
> deployment and more space efficient) and Systemd should give quicker
> boot time</Short Summary>
>     <Lead(s)>R Yadav/W Hollander</Lead(s)>
>     <Target Date></Target Date>
> <Subject> </Subject>
>     <Short Summary>Backport of bug fixes to 4.9 branch and release
></Short Summary>
>     <Lead(s)>R Yadav</Lead(s)>
>     <Target Date></Target Date>
> <Subject>Winston</Subject>
>     <Short Summary>WIP - PoC of Phase 1 (consolidated data storage) in
> ShapeBlue Lab - Elasticsearch instance receiving test run data from
> Trillian &amp; Blue Orangutan. Once it has a decent amount I&apos;ll
> come to community for ideas and feedback (and help). By the time of the
> conf call I will have updated:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Project+Winston+-+Consolidated+Test+Data</Short
> Summary>
>     <Lead(s)>P Angus</Lead(s)>
>     <Target Date></Target Date>
> <Subject>Marvin Test Categories </Subject>
>     <Short Summary>Enable quicker, targeted test runs in Marvin, by
> allowing user to specify Which element(s) are touched ie.
> Networking</Short Summary>
>     <Lead(s)>B Stoyanov</Lead(s)>
>     <Target Date></Target Date>
> *<Feature*Name*>*Securing Agent Comms (CA Framework)</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*The aim of this feature is to provide pluggable CA
> (certificate authority) management in CloudStack that can
> fetch/provision certificates to (new) host(s) and systemvms. As a
> default CA plugin, a root CA plugin will be implement where CloudStack
> becomes a self-signed Root Certificate Authority. Developers will have
> option to implement further integration with their TLS/SSL cert
> providers such as letsencrypt and other vendors.*</Summary>*
> *<FS_Jira>*https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Secure+Agent+Communications</FS_Jira
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Secure+Agent+Communications%3c/FS_Jira>*>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*R Yadav</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*4.11</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*Error code framework</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*Aim is to get understandable, actionable errors out of
> CloudStack, ie not *&apos;*insufficient capacity*&apos;*. 
> BitWork Software have implemented some context based interpretation in
> their UI.  We hope to work with them and others to implement a framework
> in side CloudStack)*</Summary>*
>     *<FS_Jira>*TBC*</FS_Jira>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*D Hoogland</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*TBC</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*Enable Dedication of Public IP range to
> CPVM/SSVM</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*By dedicating a small public IP range to only CPVM and
> SSVM, firewall rules can be used to control inbound access to this
> smaller range without affecting public traffic destined for the VRs.
> Such security is a general best practice, but also highly desireable in
> PCI DSS compliant environments*</Summary>*
>     *<FS_Jira>*TBC*</FS_Jira>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*TBC</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*Q4 2017</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*Multi-disk OVA import + Additional OVA
> metadata</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*Many users add data disks to their instances, migration
> of these between platforms (ie onboarding) is greatly simplified by
> being able to import mu*</Summary>*
>     *<FS_Jira>*TBC*</FS_Jira>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*N Vasquez</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*Q4 2017</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*Fix and Update template checksum validation</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*the obsoletion of the md5 checksum algorithm requires
> that CloudStack checks downloaded templates by means of an alternative
> algorithm to the current one. The algorithm type should be configurable
> and include both the obfuscated MD5 and, as an example SHA256.*</Summary>*
> *<FS_Jira>*https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/SHA256+checksums+for+checking+uploads</FS_Jira
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/SHA256+checksums+for+checking+uploads%3c/FS_Jira>*>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*TBC</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*4.11</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*Add Layer 2 network type</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*Required for any kind of service chaining, currently
> users have to resort to creating networks with IP allocations that they
> don*&apos;*t want.*</Summary>*
>     *<FS_Jira>*TBC*</FS_Jira>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*TBC</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*Q4 2017</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*New UI Framework</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*Aim is to work with BitWorks and their existing UI to
> create a flexible framework upon which a next generation UI *</Summary>*
>     *<FS_Jira>*TBC*</FS_Jira>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*TBC</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*Q4 2017</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*System VM diagnostics API</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*Enable administrators to perform basic tasks such as ping
> (over default and specific interfaces) tracert, retrieve logs and
> configuration files. This will greatly simplify an admin*&apos;*s job by
> largely removing the need to log into System VMs.
> Also enable admin to increase/decrease logging verbosity on specific
> system VMs via API.*</Summary>*
>     *<FS_Jira>*TBC*</FS_Jira>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*TBC</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*Q1 2018</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*Ability to request a range of public IPs (v4 and
> v6)</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*Required for IPv6 routing in CloudStack, and also for
> users who prefer to deal with a block of IPs rather than individual IPs
> as this greatly simplifies ACLs. *</Summary>*
>     *<FS_Jira>*TBC*</FS_Jira>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*TBC</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*Q4 2017</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*CloudStack Metrics Exporter for Prometheus</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*Several organizations use Prometheus based
> metrics/monitoring, the aim is to develop a CloudStack metrics exporter
> for Prometheus server which can export metrics such as CPU, memory,
> cores, VMs, volumes, IPs.*</Summary>*
> *<FS_Jira>*https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+Metrics+Exporter+for+Prometheus</FS_Jira
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+Metrics+Exporter+for+Prometheus%3c/FS_Jira>*>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*Embedded Jetty</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*CloudStack installation has huge dependency on distro
> provided tomcat, by moving to embedded jetty (like we do use jetty for
> development) we can sync how developers develop/test mgmt servers and
> users use it. In addition, it will be easier to publish pkgs without
> depending on distro provided dependencies.*</Summary>*
> *<FS_Jira>*https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-10012</FS_Jira
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-10012%3c/FS_Jira>*>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*R Yadav</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*4.11</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*Debian 9 SystemVM template</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*Required update, Debian7 is EOL, moving to Debian9 will
> give;  newer kernel, newer packages, Smaller disk footprint (faster
> deployment and more space efficient) and Systemd should give quicker
> boot time*</Summary>*
> *<FS_Jira>*https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-10013</FS_Jira
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-10013%3c/FS_Jira>*>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*R Yadav</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*Q4 2017</Release Target>
> **
> *<Feature*Name*>*Enable dedication of public IPs to system VMs
> (CPVM/SSVM)</Feature Name>
>     *<Summary>*Allow a public IP range to be dedicated to CPVM/SSVM,
> allowing external firewall control of ports which are allowed to connect
> to CPVM/SSVM from �outside�CloudStack.*</Summary>*
>     *<FS_Jira>*TBC*</FS_Jira>*
>     *<Lead*Dev*>*N Vasquez</Lead Dev>
>     *<Release*Target*>*Q4 2017</Release Target>
> Kind regards,
> Paul Angus
> paul.an...@shapeblue.com 
> www.shapeblue.com
> @shapeblue

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