I am having a hard time imagining why a new Cloudstack user would want to use CentOS 6. I have not heard complaints from any forum about applications running on CentOS 6 that could not run on CentOS 7.

It does have an impact of DevOps but even there it is pretty minor and well documented and once one gets one's head around systemctl, journalctl and firewalld, it really is a lot better

As you pointed out, support for CentOS 7 is mandatory regardless of the decision on CentOS 6. It will be a big black mark against CloudStack if the current RedHat/CentOS release is not supported 2.5 years after its release.

For existing Cloudstack users, is there a large risk that dropping official support for CentOS6 as a VM would result in a CentOS 6 VM not running after an upgrade to the latest Cloudstack? Is there anyone in the community that absolutely can not upgrade? Would they take over the testing of CentOS 6 if official support was dropped?

Anyone using CentOS6 as a hypervisor will have to upgrade soon in any event and as you point out Cloudstack will soon be forced to move from CentOS 6 by dependencies dropping support for CentOS 6.

It would seem to make sense to declare an EOL date for support for CentOS 6 as a hypervisor as soon as possible so that system administrators are put on notice.


On 16/01/2018 12:58 PM, Paul Angus wrote:
Hi Eric,

This is the type of discussion that I wanted to open - the argument that I see 
for earlier dropping of v6 is that - Between May 2018 and q2 2020 RHEL/CentOS 
6.x will only receive security and mission critical updates, meanwhile packages 
on which we depend or may want to utilise in the future are been deprecated or 
not developed for v6.x
Also the testing and development burden on the CloudStack community increases 
as we try to maintain backward compatibility while including new versions.

Needing installation documentation for centos 7 is a great point, and something 
that we need to address regardless.

Does anyone else have a view, I'd really like to here from a wide range of 

Kind regards,

Paul Angus

53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Green [mailto:eric.lee.gr...@gmail.com]
Sent: 12 January 2018 17:24
To: us...@cloudstack.apache.org
Cc: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: [PROPOSE] EOL for supported OSes & Hypervisors

Official EOL for Centos 6 / RHEL 6 as declared by Red Hat Software is 
11/30/2020. Jumping the gun a bit there, padme.

People on Centos 6 should certainly be working on a migration strategy right 
now, but the end is not here *yet*. Furthermore, the install documentation is 
still written for Centos 6 rather than Centos 7. That needs to be fixed before 
discontinuing support for Centos 6, eh?

On Jan 12, 2018, at 04:35, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com> wrote:

+1 I've updated the page with upcoming Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

After 4.11, I think 4.12 (assuming releases by mid of 2018) should remove 
"declared" (they might still work with 4.12+ but in docs and by project we 
should officially support them) support for following:

a. Hypervisor:

XenServer - 6.2, 6.5,

KVM - CentOS6, RHEL6, Ubuntu12.04 (I think this is already removed, packages 
don't work I think?)

vSphere/Vmware - 4.x, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5

b. Remove packaging for CentOS6.x, RHEL 6.x (the el6 packages), and Ubuntu 
12.04 (any non-systemd debian distro).

Thoughts, comments?

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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