
I discussed the issue with few colleagues and came with the following 
commentary and proposal with their inputs:

Problems with the current setup observed over last year:

  *   Two different Github repositories (apache/cloudstack and 
apache/cloudstack-primate) with their own issue tracking, PRs and separate 
  *   We've seen users report UI issue on apache/cloudstack and backend/mgmt 
server bugs on apache/cloudstack-primate.
  *   For any feature/enhancement/bugfix the work is split between two PRs in 
those two Github repos and it requires some overhead to manage to review and 
test both the linked PRs. In few instance, we've already seen the issue of one 
PR merged but the other one (UI changes) not merged.
  *   The two loosely repositories also make it difficult to do packaging and 
installation and it's not turnkey (compared to old mechanism where installing 
cloudstack-management would install both server and UI components).
  *   It's difficult to enforce and ensure that any release/version of UI will 
be fully backward or forward compatible with backend changes. We've seen with 
some recent PRs which has added dependency of a VM deployment form on specific 
backend feature/cases. The loose coupling works for a simple client such as 
CloudMonkey but not the new UI (Primate) which has custom components (not a 
standard interface/input pattern like cmk).

The UI repository was made separate with thoughts that it would make it 
easier/faster to work on it, I think it's served its purpose now that the UI is 
on par/parity with the legacy UI. WIth this background here are some ideas that 
are largely around backward compatibility for user/usage, let's discuss and 
hopefully it may satisfy most of our requirements:

For current 4.15, do:

  *   Enforce UI deprecation by moving the legacy UI to a ui/legacy directory, 
see PR proposed:
This is to follow what was discussed and voted in the original proposal and 
documented in's release notes (that in we'll deprecate the 
legacy UI).
  *   Follow the usual release process and start a voting thread with source 
artifacts for both apache/cloudstack and apache/cloudstack-primate repos (I see 
confirmed/advised in the other thread by Craig we can do this).
  *   Since from a project point of view we only ship source code, we can deal 
with the one-time issue of the disjoint pkgs by building cloudstack repo and 
adding the UI build in the cloudstack-management pkg itself by:
     *   build new UI (primate) from source and create an archive (hosted on a 
URL/host such as
     *   get the CloudStack voted source code
     *   extract the new UI archive at ui/ folder
     *   kick the packaging which will automatically bundle anything in ui/ 
directory in the cloudstack-management deb/rpm pkgs

After 4.15, i.e. starting 4.16/master and later do:

  *   Address most open PRs on apache/cloudstack-primate and ask authors to 
re-open the PRs under apache/cloudstack.
  *   Merge the apache/cloudstack-primate within apache/cloudstack's ui/ 
directory, where we remove the ui/legacy source code (old UI code).
  *   Delete or archive apache/cloudstack-primate - request ASF infra.
  *   Fix/update docs as necessary wrt next milestone
  *   Address packaging as follows:
     *   Option A or B: cloudstack-management will install both server and UI 
(current and experience/behaviour) - if someone does not want UI on their mgmt 
server, they may delete it from /usr/share/cloudstack-management/webapps path). 
Ship only UI either as an installable cloudstack-ui rpm/deb package (that 
installs in a different path such as at /opt etc) or ship an archive similar to 
what we did for tech preview (example:
     *   Option C: Introduce a new cloudstack-ui rpm/deb pkg which is a 
dependency on cloudstack-management pkg, therefore installing 
cloudstack-management will install cloudstack-ui and cloudstack-common; but 
installing cloudstack-ui will only install UI at the mgmt server webapps path, 
ex: /usr/share/cloudstack-management/webapps

Thanks for reading, hope to hear your views.


From: Rakesh v <>
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 15:06
To: <>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] [IMPORTANT] CloudStack 4.14 release WITH updated UI

I agree to it. Having one package which deploys both backend and frontend is 

Sent from my iPhone
3 London Bridge Street,  3rd floor, News Building, London  SE1 9SGUK

> On 03-Dec-2020, at 7:09 PM, wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please read all of this, I know it's a bit wordy..
> We're pretty much there wrt to RC1 of CloudStack and the updated UI.  We
> have one issue remaining, and that is about the packaging and voting on
> CloudStack 'engine' and its UI.
> The UI has been developed asynchronously, but at time of a CloudStack
> release, we really need to be able have definite link between the two
> codebases so that we release 'one thing' when we release CloudStack.
> A while back, I created a proposal [1], which I'd like to again put forward
> as the default process unless there are any objections.
> In addition;
> 1. I think that the repo 'apache/cloudstack-primate' should be renamed to
> '/apache/cloudstack-ui', to keep everything just 'cloudstack'.
> 2. In the repo RPM/DEB packaging make cloudstack-ui a dependency of
> cloudstack - and finally, when creating the repo, include both the
> 'cloudstack' and 'cloudstack-ui'  RPMs/DEBs so that there is one repo
> ( which contains both.
> [1]
> Kind regards
> Paul Angus

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