Thanks for the feedback Ivet but I don’t see the images in your mail. Could you 
forward your mail to me or open an issue on the apache/cloudstack repo.

The system we’re using and the design/theme that you advice you don’t like has 
been in use by several other TLP ASF projects such as Pulsar, Doris, Apisix 
etc. I followed them only because so we can agree to follow the general trend 
by these other projects. I also don't see why the design can't be iterated.

Everyone is welcome to take the initiative forward, I have spent several nights 
to get this far so I’ll try to incorporate those changes but a complete change 
in static-site generator framework is not an option for me to persuade. I 
wouldn't volunteer to redo the website again.

The website is at the staging state now, except two use-cases pages and new 
blog posts since late Feb all of the content has been migrated.

If there are objections I'm happy to take a step back and bin the project, but 
there's the ASF infra mandated 31st May deadline. Alternatively, we can put 
this to vote.


From: Ivet Petrova <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 10:11:45 PM
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] CloudStack Website build and modernisation

Hi Rohit,

Thanks for doing the heavy lifting. Great that we have the most important 
things migrated. Now it is time for some polishing on top according to me.
I would object migrating and launching the website and blog as it is now. The 
thing which worries me is that it really looks like a PoC and not completed 
work, which will be bad for our reputations. Plus it is obvious it is a new 
website/CMS (it definitely does not look the same as the old one). So from 
outside it looks like “CloudStack has a new website and it’s worse than their 
old now, which has not been changed in the last 10 years”.

As an action plan I suggest we do the following:
- implement a new design on the home page - I can prepare few background images 
+ icons + some additional info for 2-3 more sections
- consider the fonts of the whole website
- change the footer - it is huge now and on some pages t is 1/3 of the page.
- rearrange a bit some internal pages - the ones for features, so that it can 
represent better the project capabilities.
- considering the new look, we would need to match the use cases pages to it. 
Shall we do this together to discuss how to arrange them?
- can we align the logo of ACS in the menu on top and the content like shown in 
the image below. We need to have all of the content on all pages aligned in the 
same way?
- -  this page has bugs on 
- on the page:
The column on the right side is not needed, so we can remove it. Again we can 
add some header banner, to look more organised. Please, provide the size needed.


-  We have a huge footer currently. Considering that most of the pages are 
short in content, I would suggest we keep the existing footer content on the 
old website, but just ad a dark background to it as you have done.
- As for the blog - this needs to be a single button in the main menu without 
dropdown. When a user clicks it, he needs to be redirected to the main blog 
On the place of Recent Blogs, please put the blog categories:

These are the immediate changes I see now.
IMO we need to be careful what we launch and how it looks as this can affect 
the overall perception for the project and its development.

Kind regards,


On 1 May 2023, at 8:54, Rohit Yadav 
<<>> wrote:


The ASF infra has advised deprecating and removing Roller support by 31st May 
2023, our project blog is based on Roller.

Since my previous mail, I have been reviewing alternatives and options that are 
compliant with ASF policies and have looked at several other top-level Apache 
projects on how they manage, maintain, and publish their websites and blogs. 
For reference, some of that progress and options have been discussed at

In order to have an ASF-compliant website and blog setup that would be more 
inclusive for our non-technical contributors, I've set up a proof-of-concept 
blog+website [1] using Docusauras (and configs from one of the ASF project 
websites, treat all the content outside of the blog as placeholder pages or 
lorem-ipsum) which is a static-site generator used by a dozen other Apache TLP 
websites [0] such as Apisix, Pulsar etc.

This PoC has all most of our blog migrated (except the most 4-6 new ones), but 
pending migration of website content; and is currently integrated with a 
Netlify CMS which isn't as rich as WP but allows a committer/PMC to login via 
Github and manage the website+blog using a rich-text markdown editor [1][2] 
where editing/saving content created git commits pushed to Github. I'm also 
looking at other headless git-based CMSs that we can use.

We may revisit any design/theme changes in the future, if there are no 
objections as the first iteration I propose to migrate all our project website 
content along with the Roller blog to this PoC and ask interested contributors 
to review and collaborate in an on-going basis as we need to migrate the blog 
by 31st May '23. I hope to update again regularly.


Thanks and regards.

From: Rohit Yadav <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 15:07
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] CloudStack Website build and modernisation


The ASF infra has advised recently that they're deprecating and removing Roller 
support, our project blog is based on Roller.

Given this hasn't received any objections on this thread, I've spent some time 
in the last two months exploring options that solve most of our website and 
blog requirements. I explored several other top-level ASF project websites and 
found they had built their website/blog/article using something like Pelican, 
Hugo, Jekyll and recently Docusaurus. Among these Jekyll is the oldest and most 
stable platform that Github supports out of the box. Most of these TLP websites 
use a CI/CD based staging->publishing pipeline, using Github Actions, Gitpod, 
Netlify etc.

Among these various options, Docusaurus seems to satisfy many of the 
requirements and integrates with Netlify CMS (to support our marketing 
contributors who aren't necessarily git-experts;

If there aren't any objections I would like to set up a staging/beta website 
 this can be configured, using default it would be on<>).

Example TLP website source repos:





From: Rohit Yadav <<>>
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2022 14:57
Subject: [DISCUSS] CloudStack Website build and modernisation


For release publication on the website, I had to manually edit the 
website [0] build as I couldn't get middleman to work on either Ubuntu 20.04, 
22.04 (after spending a good hour to fix the ruby/gems build system). Any 
pointers on getting middleman/gems to work?

As our website is dated, and in the past ASF infra has advised against setting 
up a dynamic CMS such as Wordpres for us I'm looking into alternatives that are 
ASF infra approved [1] and looking into Pelican and Jekyll. I'm also exploring 
what other ASF TLP websites are using for inspiration. I also found several 
apache projects such as apisix [2]<> 
having complex website build systems that use Netlify or other means of 
publishing websites.

My high-level proposal is that we;
(a) explore/investigate and migrate to a build system that is compliant with 
ASF infra policies and easy for anybody (esp PMCs and release managers) to 
setup/iterate locally,
(b) integrate PR builds using Github actions or community CI/QA server 
( and,
(c) we update the project website to use a modern library (something like Ant 
Design which we use with the ACS UI, or bootstrap, bulma, etc).

Any suggestions, comments, or advice on this?



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