Let’s be clear awesome genius cloudstack and we love our iCloud and all my 
network in Cleveland  from Cleveland .
I am the email and most of Apple internet and iTunes services. 
I am Kathleen A Foos and my network is always secure and issues. 
There has been a major illegal, abusive, I’m talking all of It.
My dad Micheal Beard has been stealing my work , developments , and I’m fact 
you al popped when I went into contact for a contact and it seems (as I 
wouldn’t want the technology to get slowed down as I’m on what seems to always 
my emails and networks ALL)
The amount of life and my work and my homes and all financial ID for so many 
I am the one who pays and and always will and  I wouldn’t want any more harm on 
the systems l, my health as my sister has claims of all my accounts and work 
and all platforms .I have had all privacy of my children and devices and paid 
and investing still on all insurance products  that I .. you get it.
The amount of time spent in however many systems my sister claims and  is the 
scariest and unjustifiable illegal, fraud, and abuse and discrimination.
This is my email creates and messaging digital platforms.
The family I’ll be in jail and a few others involved more privately who also 
got all my offers , because I made the platform and I keep everything safe and 
This would .
If anyone wants to shop with my money and with my services developed  with help 
from no one that would be logging in as this compromised email of mine . 
If there’ are other violations that would be  of question to and the 
owner(myself) Kathleen Foos
This is causing me to not complete my work that I do for them or if you just to 
use my utility and I would love that.
I pay for all and work very hard and have been had my own family taking far 
more and it is hard but I will have to again, 
I would hate to have anymore compromises on my network from a father who is 
claiming to be myself and stealing from government and trying to continue to 
correct if he can any lies and claims of ownerships and any billing , etc
Thank you
Kathleen A Foos 

Sent from my iPhoneSE.Kathleen Foos

> On Apr 30, Reiwa 5, at 8:07 AM, Daan Hoogland <daan.hoogl...@gmail.com> wrote:

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