On Thursday, Jul 24, 2003, at 06:40 America/Guayaquil, Christoph Gaffga wrote:

we are running Cocoon 2.1m3 on JDK 1.2
with -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -Xmx120
0m -Xms1200m and we see only little perfomance increase. But there is
something I read in the java perfomance docs, they say: Don't use object
pools, because the internal garbagge collection ist better and does it
faster, also with overhead of creating an new instance. Is this true for

find it out yourself by turning the max-pool values to 0 in the sitemap. i would very happy to know if the above is true myself.


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