Christoph Gaffga dijo:
> Hi,
> we are running Cocoon 2.1m3 on JDK 1.2
> with -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC
> -Xmx120 0m -Xms1200m and we see only little perfomance increase. But
> there is something I read in the java perfomance docs, they say: Don't
> use object pools, because the internal garbagge collection ist better
> and does it faster, also with overhead of creating an new instance. Is
> this true for cocoon?

I am already using 1.4.2 in a machine with 768 MB RAM and it is noticiable
faster than the 1.4.1_x. Currently, I am not using any additional

The speed improvement of Cocoon in J2SDK 1.4.2 is not only because the
garbage collection (GC) improvement. There are also other improvements
like the class.getName() function. Since cocoon make a intensive use of
this method. It helps Cocoon too. Please check:

I dont see a plus turning off all the poolers. There are other cost
involved in a pool that a simple improvement of a GC. For example: a
Database Connection is very expensive (in time) to open. Turn off the
database pool will become in a degradation of overall system. This is not
a very smart move.

Please note: I am not telling that a better GC is a bad. But GC is only a
piece of all the cake. :)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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