Sylvain Wallez dijo:
> Not a problem, since <wb:assert> is just a particular implementation of
> Validator. So what about :
>   <wb:validate>
>     <wb:auto-validate-using-business-model/>
>   </wb:validate>
Hmm. At the first look it is great for people starting writing from now
the beans! But, ... :(

I see a problem:

think in people that has already to many Beans? (This is not my case, but
I think about other adopters that already had a good implemented Business
model and what to use it with Cocoon).

Also other problem is that we will force people to write the
validationXXX()?, verificationXXX?, checkXXX()? or checkDirtyXXX()
function in a defined style. This sometimes is not good. The Modular
database implementation require to write database sequences in a defined
style. If you already has a database this is not easy to rewrite it to
make use of the modular database style.

I am not trying to find or create a hair in the good taste soup. This are
only random thought. :)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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