Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> Carsten, I think you need to know a bit of the internals of Woody. 
Yes, definitly!

> For a 
> single element of the form definition file, say <wd:field>, 3 classes 
> are involved in its processing :
> - FieldDefinitionBuilder : analyzes the <wd:field> element and from its 
> attributes and content creates a FieldDefinition
> - FieldDefinition : holds the characteristics of a <wd:field>. It is 
> cached, and only one instance of it exists in the system no matter how 
> often the form definition is used.
> - Field : holds the data for a particular use of the field definition. 
> It's what is referred to as "instance".
> So, when a form definition is used for the first time, it is parsed by 
> implementations of WidgetBuilder (FieldDefinitionBuilder is such an 
> implementation) that produce a tree (some widgets such as Form or 
> Repeater have child widgets) of WidgetDefinition objects 
> (FieldDefinition implements this interface). This tree is cached.
> When a form instance is created, the WidgetDefinition tree is crawled to 
> produce a Widget tree (Field is an implementation of Widget). These 
> objects are responsible for formating/parsing the values. These are very 
> lightweight objects that delegate most of their processing to their 
> WidgetDefinition.
> Hope this makes things clearer.
Yes, thanks, Sylvain!

So, actually the Widget Tree is created dynamically when needed. Now, is
it possible to hook into the building of this tree?


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