Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
> I want to propose Guido Casper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) as a new Cocoon
> committer.

Thanks Gianugo, I'm really honoured.

I'm extremely proud of being part of this great community (even without
having commit access), where I consider many of the committers real genius
(coding- and communication-wise).

Although Gianugo mentioned that I'm relatively new to this community I
actually felt like being part of it (as a mostly lurker) for quite some
time, now.

I try my best to get some webdav work off Gianugo's shoulders (nice strategy
Gianugo ;-) and contribute otherwise as well. If it's true that a great
community is being attracted by good ideas and bad code there is certainly
something I can contribute ;-). But please don't expect my commit rate to be
like Carsten's :-)

I'm not sure wether it's to early for an introduction - anyway, I'll make it
short :-)
I'm 34 now and unlike many of you I didn't grew up with Basic and a computer
under my pillow. My interest in computers and programming started at an
ancient age of 22 (if programming automation machines and robots doesn't
count that is).
Yes, before that I have been an electrician in the auto industry, but soon
found out there must be more to my carrer and tried - Pascal :-) ...
... being to the military ... 2-year-college for computer science (yeah, you
have to get some degree in Germany)... being 5 years with Sybase  ... coming
to S&N. Many thanks to Matthew and Carsten for getting me in touch with

> Guido has done a lot of work for the new WebDAV block, providing a
> first implementation of the WebDAV Source,

I should mention that Stefan Michels provided an early draft in - I think it
was more than 1,5 years ago but unfortunately (IMO) decided to focus on the
However I hope he will have some time to share his thoughts when we discuss
further improvement of the WebDAV block.

Thanks for all votes so far.


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