On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Guido Casper wrote:

> Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
> > I want to propose Guido Casper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) as a new Cocoon
> > committer.
> Thanks Gianugo, I'm really honoured.
> I'm extremely proud of being part of this great community (even without
> having commit access),


> > Guido has done a lot of work for the new WebDAV block, providing a
> > first implementation of the WebDAV Source,
> I should mention that Stefan Michels provided an early draft in - I think it


> was more than 1,5 years ago but unfortunately (IMO) decided to focus on the
> SlideSource.

Hmm, yes, perhaps a bad idea ;-) I got too few response on that. My
experience with WebDAV taught me that all these things doesn't really
work in real life. Perhaps, you proof me wrong :)


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