On 1/08/2003 17:06 Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

out implementation is partial and probably not going anywhere, theirs might be much more supported and vital.

That _might_ be just the case. ;-)

I wouldn't downplay what we are doing with low-level XML handling stuff, and also this often results in bugs being reported to the parser gurus. I've been doing some light XSLT development today, and I ended up being slightly annoyed with the quality of error handling in Xalan (let alone the way the eventual messages are being thrown forward in Cocoon).

I'd like to see a more unified approach however to the (n)Include stuff, it might be better to extend the standards syntax with specific constructs available as features in Cocoon's own Include transformer, rather than having two Include transformers side-by-side.

Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at            http://blogs.cocoondev.org/stevenn/
stevenn at outerthought.org                stevenn at apache.org

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