* Steven Noels ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> On 2/08/2003 22:21 Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> The trial instance has been up on minotaur 
> (http://minotaur.apache.org:38080/) for little more than a week - so I 
> was wondering whether anyone already had been load-testing it. So far, 
> it seems stable, even after dualit.netcraft.com has been hitting it with 
> a lot of exploit URLs.
yup, netcraft do a weekly network examination for apache.org.

> I'm able to do some load testing myself, but don't want to interfere 
> with ongoing operations, and I'm sure people over here know better where 
> to watch for.
> Also, I would like your advise as to how to mount the new Wiki location 
> in the cocoon.apache.org namespace: using mod_proxy or mod_jk, and also 
> what we should do with (Tomcat) access log files: disable them and let 
> httpd take care of logging, or add some log rotation scripts.
I'd suggest using mod_proxy; when you're happy that you've got the
functionality working right, i'd suggest you to talk to root and/or Greg
Ames [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get the proxy config done, then test that, then
actually let people know about it.
I wouldn't bother with tomcat logs, they're fairly awful and HTTPD's will
give you nicer usage stats for the whole site should you need them.

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