Ugo Cei wrote, On 07/08/2003 9.28:

Christopher Oliver wrote:

In general, I think you're right, though, JXTemplate generator requires additional tags to support Number, Date, and Message formatting. JSTL has such tags. If I have time I'll try to add them.

Nice. After having tried Velocity, MHO is that it sucks,

It all depends on what you have to do with it. I'm using it in another project and it rocks. Let's not overgeneralize, please, as each tool has its place.

so let's enhance JXTemplate until it's the perfect template language for Cocoon. I'll be glad to help you in this effort as soon as I come back from my vacations (that is, from tomorrow until Sep. 1st).

Why not Jelly?

I mean, it can reuse most taglibs, from Ant and JSTL, it's easy to add tasks, is XML-based (hence validates)... really, why not?

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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