Niclas Hedhman said:
> <xinclude:include href="abc.xml" />
>  does not behave correctly. The xml:base is set to the top-level
> directory, i.e. content/, and not to the same directory as the
> including document as the spec says.
> Setting the xml:base attribute to the current directory, absolute
> or relative to the content/, works but is not a solution.

Maybe I wasn't clear.

1. If I have my own sub-sitemap in the default Forrest environment,
and running command-line tools, the above doesn't resolve correctly.

2. If I define the documents as Forrest types, and let Forrest
provide the resolution, it resolves OK from the command-line.

3. If I take the whole setup that works from the command-line and
deploy it live under Jetty, the xinclude again have the xml:base set
to the top level.

something is utterly wrong. Am I the only one who like Xinclude?


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