I didn't notice that there are virus mails coming through the mailing list before reading your mail.

I just saw that there are many Apache-Mails in my Virusalert folder, where all alerts from my university's mail server (which uses AMAVIS BTW) are automatically sorted in.
Such tools are really valuable these days!

And I wondered how the Cocoon mailinglist could resist them so long ;-)

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le Mercredi, 27 aoû 2003, à 10:40 Europe/Zurich, Stephan Michels a écrit :

BTW, it's annoying getting every day 400 sorbig mails.

spamassassin rules here - I'm getting about 20 of these an hour, and each one of them is cleanly spamassassinated by my mail server ;-)


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