On Thursday, Aug 28, 2003, at 15:47 Europe/Rome, Niclas Hedhman wrote:

Nicola Ken Barozzi said:
Berin, I think that Robert has a valid point here, and that is
similar  to what Avalon said about Logkit and Log4j.

When I was still in Avalon, Avalon had informally agreed to push
Logkit  EOL in favor of log4j, and the log4j community accepted
the challenge of  bridging the last differences still remaining.

Why is this point much different from the one Robert is talking

Well, Robert's assertion is ambigious. Does he say;

   void enableLogging( Logger logger );

and let every component do,

logger = Logger.getLogger( this.getClass().getLogger() );


"Let Log4J be the default logger backend, and have the Log4J
configuration handily available."

I think Berin is -1 on the first, but more receptible to the latter.

I *strongly* dislike the use of static methods for multi-context environments.

If I have two instances of cocoon running in the same servlet container, which Log4j configurations will handle them? what if the log of one servlet ends up being in the log of another one?

Huge security issue here.


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