Lets try to fix the first issue on your list.

The last target in src/targets/webapp-build.xml is "custom-conf".
This is the only place the "customconf" property is used.
Notice that the "customconf" property is applied to the included
filename, not to the "srcdir" attribute:

  <xpatch file="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf" srcdir="" addComments="true">
    <include name="${customconf}/*.xconf" />

If I read the xpatch source code correctly, this limits the customconf to
only working with subdirectories.  I think we can fix this by changing the
target to apply the customconf to the srcdir instead of to the included
filename, like this:

  <xpatch file="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf" srcdir="${customconf}" 
     <include name="*.xconf" />

Here is the whole converted target if you would not mind testing it
with your desired configuration:

  <target name="custom-conf" depends="init-tasks" description="Uses Cocoon's xpatch 
task to
customize runtime configuration">
    <xpatch file="${build.webapp}/sitemap.xmap" srcdir="${customconf}">
       <include name="*.xmap" />
       <include name="*.xpipe" />
    <xpatch file="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf" srcdir="${customconf}" 
       <include name="*.xconf" />
    <xpatch file="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/logkit.xconf" srcdir="${customconf}">
       <include name="*.xlog" />
    <xpatch file="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/web.xml" srcdir="${customconf}">
       <include name="*.xweb" />

Please let me know how this goes,
--Tim Larson

--- Tomasz Nowak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. customconf property doesn't work properly at my linuxbox :(
>    I have some .xweb, .xconf and .xmap files in 'myconf'
>    directory but they are not seen by buildtools when
>    'myconf' is outside cocoon source directory.
>    customconf=../myconf <- doesn't work.
>    after moving it into cocoonsrc dir ($ mv ../myconf .)
>    and changing customconf in local.build.properties to:
>    customconf=myconf
>    everything works fine.
>    Of course file permis and modes are ok. Is this a bug?

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