Ryan Hoegg wrote:
This seems to be blurring the lines between the responsibilities of Cocoon and the container. We might be able to reuse some ideas or even code that has been done in Merlin, Fortress, Loom, or Plexus for deployment time configuration and dependencies.

Anyone familiar with Fortress (which it seems we're going to as an intermediate until Merlin's full release) know if there's something which can help? Berin?


Geoff Howard wrote:

Also, how to recreate the deploy step efficiently? For example:

You deploy a block with some dependencies and configuration. The block deploy process walks you through setting configs and resolving dependencies. You then have no record of these deployment choices except in wiring.xml which is not meant for human consumption. Perhaps it would be good to record these human-step deployment time configurations in a conf file which could be easily reprocessed to easily re-deploy all blocks to their last configuration.

Alternate versions of this file may be needed as blocks move from dev to staging to live, etc.

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