On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 04:57, Geoff Howard wrote:
> But this brings up another point - what to do if the wiring.xml and 
> others is deleted?  Presumably, all blocks are "uninstalled" in this 
> state, but what does this do to persistence requirements.
> Also, how to recreate the deploy step efficiently?  For example:
> You deploy a block with some dependencies and configuration.  The block 
> deploy process walks you through setting configs and resolving 
> dependencies.  You then have no record of these deployment choices 
> except in wiring.xml which is not meant for human consumption.  Perhaps 
> it would be good to record these human-step deployment time 
> configurations in a conf file which could be easily reprocessed to 
> easily re-deploy all blocks to their last configuration.

I think the conf file you're speaking of here is simply the wiring.xml
file itself? Remember, the block deployer has read-write access to this
file, so it can first read the existing information, then let the
administrator modify it, and then write it back. It's not like each time
you want to modify the configuration of one block you'll have to
re-enter all the parameters for other blocks as well.

Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
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