<beware of snips/>

Berin Loritsch wrote:

The above in Fortress would be redone as:

<jdbc-datasource id="foo"/>
<j2ee-datasource id="bar"/>


In Fortress, you can do things the old ECM way, or you can incorporate the ID
to get whichever component you want and bypass the selector completely like

manager.lookup(DataSourceComponent.ROLE + "/foo");


Lastly, a component that just wants whatever the default implementation for a
component is only has to lookup the component it wants:


The default component is always the first one listed in the configuration file,
unless that behavior is overridden. You can override the behavior by adding a
default="true" attribute to a component. In the above example, the lookup for
a DataSourceComponent.ROLE would return the "foo" variation. If the "bar"
variation was altered like this:

<j2ee-datasource id="bar" default="true"/>

Either I'm having a serious deja-vu here, or this is really similar to whatever we had ages ago in avalon 3.0a3 (see NamedComponentManager)! Which is good, I still have someone running on avalon 3.0 - it will make migration easier...

The way I propose working around it for the short term--to avoid the
configuration reformatting

If we to start migration to Fortress in 2.2..... I don't see a need in avoiding this reformatting. If we do it in 2.1.2, then yes, we should support old config syntax.


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