Geoff Howard wrote:

Berin Loritsch wrote:

In Cocoon/ECM we have the following constructs:


  <jdbc name="foo"/>
  <j2ee name="bar"/>
  <informix name="baz"/>

Without a .roles file would we even have declarations that look like this?

:) That IS with the ECM roles file.

However, with Fortress, you may be able to use a ROLEs file--but it won't be
necessary.  The meta info is part of the class, so there is only one place you
need to manage it (with the component implementation class).  The meta-info
collection process will allow Fortress to automatically collect info from other
JARs for the available components--which means there won't need to be any cludgy
"user-roles" attributes any more.  Things just work.


(thanks for the patient summary and work by the way)

My pleasure.


"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                - Benjamin Franklin

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