Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Ok, after reaching some stasis on wiring.xml, starting the discussion on cob.xml (or whatever). I expect that both of these will be much more interesting discussions after real implementation starts.

> Implementation Phases
> ---------------------
> Phase 1: definition of the contract between the block manager inside
> cocoon and the standalone block deployer. These contracts include:

>  3) description of the block metadata schema

So, here's a proposed simple xml version (each xml snippet would be it's own cob.xml of course):

File System Layout and wiring data

Let us suppose we have the following blocks that are deployed in our system
   has a sitemap located on -> /webmail.xmap
   depends on ->
     names this dependency -> external-skin
   depends on ->
     names this dependency -> internal-skin
   depends on ->
     names this dependency -> repository
     uses component -> "com.anothercompany.repository.Repository"
       names this component with role -> repository
   requires the configurations:
     "user" of type string with no default
     "password" of type string with no default

<cob xmlns=""; uri=""> <sitemap src="/webmail.xmap"/> <dependencies> <depends-on uri ="" name ="external-skin" /> <depends-on uri =" name ="internal-skin" /> <depends-on uri ="" name ="repository" > <component role="com.anothercompany.repository.Repository" name="repository"/> </depends-on> </dependencies> <parameters> <param name="user" type="string" /> <param name="password" type="string" /> </parameters> </cob>

I'm assuming here that:
- all parameters will be required and declaring them with no @default will force the deployer to supply a value.
- the sitemap element will force the deploy process to prompt for a mount point (we may want to allow for a default suggested one)

I wasn't sure what "uses component" meant functionally.

For the record, I hate <dependencies> and <depends-on> and I left them that way in the hope that they are so offensively bad that someone will think of a better one. :)
    implements ->

<cob xmlns=""; uri=""> <implements uri=""/> </cob>

do we implement a uri? Is it right to specify the whole version here and let the versioning rules specified in the RT work out that this satisfies <depends-on uri="" name="external-skin"/> from above?
    implements ->
    extends ->

<cob xmlns=""; uri=""> <implements uri=""/> <extends uri=""/> </cob>

Extends is introduced here, same questions as implements.
    implements ->
    exposes component -> "com.anothercompany.repository.Repository"
    requires the configurations:
     "host" of type string, with default ""

<cob xmlns=""; uri=""> <implements uri=""/> <provides role="com.anothercompany.repository.Repository"/> <parameters> <param name="host" type="string" default="" /> </parameters> </cob>

Here's the provides which might also be "exposes". Also, here's an example of a default provided for a param. During install, the block manager would prompt the admin to provide a value but would not be required because a default is given.


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