On Saturday, Sep 20, 2003, at 04:34 Europe/Rome, Geoff Howard wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

On Thursday, Sep 18, 2003, at 04:51 Europe/Rome, Geoff Howard wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I wasn't sure what "uses component" meant functionally.
the blocks declares what component is going to use from that block and will name it. This is the inverse of the cocoon.xroles file but does the same thing, providing a shorthand version of the role identifier in the context of that block.

So, what does a block use from another block if not a component?

pipelines and virtual pipeline components

been thinking that neither file resources or classes would be accessible


So all that's left is components (either sitemap components
or no)? (ah, source resolving through block: protocol?)

the blocks carry three things:

 1) pipelines (called via the block: protocol)
 2) avalon components (accessed via the component manager)
 3) pipeline virtual components (declared in your sitemap)

In the example
what does the first block (@id="cob:mycompany.com/webmail/1.3.43") use
from cob:mycompany.com/skin aka "external-skin"?  I'd guess all that's
left is resolving sources through the block: protocol?


So this would
mean there's a block:external-skin which will probably be some xsl file?


block:external-skin identifies the root of the URI space addressed by that block. You could do things like


that would return a stylesheet. And so on.

 If it's a virtual component, would this need to be declared on both
the provider and requirer as a component?

Yes, because the virtual component doesn't have a java classname that can be used to uniquely identify it.

For the record, I hate <dependencies> and <depends-on> and I left them that way in the hope that they are so offensively bad that someone will think of a better one. :)
Ok, let me try again:
<block xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/blocks/cob/1.0";
  <sitemap src="/webmail.xmap"/>
   <param name="user" type="string"/>
   <param name="password" type="hidden-string"/>

Sounds good. You snuck in type="hidden-string" by the way which raises the question: what are the allowable values of type? string, integer,
hidden-string, (basic "primitive" values) or complex values like
"phone-number" or "ip address"?


No need to enumerate specifics now, but
the general concept might be good to address.  And is it extensible?

FS for now. Let's have String, Number and HiddenString. That should be enough, because the code should do checking at runtime anyway.

    implements -> cob:mycompany.com/skin/1.2

<cob xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/blocks/cob/1.0"; uri="cob:yetanothercompany.com/skins/fancy/1.2.2"> <implements uri="cob:mycompany.com/skin/1.2"/> </cob> do we implement a uri?
well, in theory, we implement the block behavior that is identified by that URI. So I would write it as
<block xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/blocks/cob/1.0";
<implements behavior="cob:mycompany.com/skin/1.2"/>

Ok, but we have now at least three different attribute names describing the block uri/id: id, behavior, and block which may be harder to remember and to identify that these things go together. I'd propose using only two: - @id to identify the definition of the unique block element - @block to refer to this id elsewhere. (alternatives: @behavior, @contract ...)

Good point. +1

So that becomes
    <implements block="cob:mycompany.com/skin/1.2"/>

I'm not convinced of this, but wiki'd it that way just to try it out.
The distinction of @behavior and @block does kind of make sense to me
but here's a question:

The implements uri and the requires uri match up based on versioning
rules but are separate for wiring purposes from the @id.  But in the
    implements -> cob:mycompany.com/skin/1.2

    implements -> cob:mycompany.com/skin/2.3
    extends -> cob:yetanothercompany.com/skins/fancy/1.2.2

Does cob:mycompany.com/skins/corporate/34.3.345 also implicitly
implement cob:mycompany.com/skin/1.2 because it extends

Not necessarely. Since cob:mycompany.com/skin/1.2 and cob:mycompany.com/skin/2.3 have different major version numbers, they are declared to be back incompatible. It could be that cob:mycompany.com/skins/corporate/34.3.345, in order to be implement cob:mycompany.com/skin/2.3 had to overload a few URIs from cob:yetanothercompany.com/skins/fancy/1.2.2 whose behavior would not be compliant to implements -> cob:mycompany.com/skin/1.2.

For example, say cob:mycompany.com/skin/1.2 includes /stylesheets/news2html.xslt and /stylesheet/doc2html.xslt.

The first, by default, strips all content that doesn't belong to the news markup language. cob:yetanothercompany.com/skins/fancy/1.2.2 implements this behavior.

Later, a new need is identified (for whatever reason) and the behavior of news2html.xslt is changed so that content in different namespaces is copied over. Clearly, this is a back-incompatible change and this required an increase of the major version number of the URI identifying that behavior (cob:mycompany.com/skin/2.3).

The developers of cob:mycompany.com/skins/corporate/34.3.345 decide to reuse doc2html.xslt (because they know that behavior is still the same) but need to overload news2html.xslt to provide the new behavior that conforms to cob:mycompany.com/skin/2.3.

As you see with this simple (yet very likely to happen) example, the "implements" property is not, generally, transitive.

Also, does the fact that no component initially defining
cob:anothercompany.com/MailRepository/2.0 exists here matter?

What do you mean?

With this and the above questions I'm trying to get at where the hidden
contracts are.

Great. This is useful to me as well, as it stress-tests the design. keep up the nice thinking.

Is it right to specify the whole version here and let the versioning rules specified in the RT work out that this satisfies <depends-on uri="cob:mycompany.com/skin" name="external-skin"/> from above?
yes. you need to specify *exactly* what behavior you are implementing. you cannot implement a range of behaviors, that can potentially lead to inconsistent states.



<provides role="com.anothercompany.repository.Repository"/>
change role to component? [role is avalon terminology and might confuse non-avaloners]

I'm ok either way. I think "role" is very easy to grasp as the more general concept and "component" could get confused between the role and the implementation of that role. Still, I've wiki'd it with component for now unless you or others find that argument compelling.

Here's the provides which might also be "exposes".
both are fine for me.

me too.

Ok, I've wiki'd the latest with my proposal about @id and @block included.

ok, sounds good to me.

anybody else?


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