It really should not be that hard to implement this using Axis and
existing cocoon components. Axis can use dynamic or generated proxies.
Dynamic proxies have the advantage of not needing to be compiled however
they do not handle complex types well. For this reason I think it would be
better to use generated proxies instead of dynamic ones.

1. Use a source to access the WSDL file.
2. Pass the file into the Axis emitter that will generate java source
files for accessing the web service.
3. Compile the source files using the default java compiler component.
4. Load the resulting class files using the class loader.
5. Create and return an instance of the web service proxy class.

Stages 3 – 5 are similar to those carried out in XSP.

Having been an XSP user until recently (thank god we now have the Flow and JXTemplateGenerator, or VelocityGenerator if you prefer), I'd rather use dynamic proxies over generated and compiled code any time. The edit/test/debug cycle is much faster, error messages are less cryptic, no dependency on tools.jar, no 64kB-per-method limit, no continuous reloading of classes which stresses appservers (by the way, I've yet to understand how to configure Jetty for automatic class reloading, if it's possible at all), etc.

However, if the problem with complex types is unsurmountable (I have exactly zero knowledge about Axis), I think we can live with generated code.

Just my 0.02 €,


Ugo Cei - Consorzio di Bioingegneria e Informatica Medica
P.le Volontari del Sangue, 2 - 27100 Pavia - Italy
Phone: +39.0382.525100 - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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