Alfred Fuchs wrote:

assume the directory-structure to scan is: <ROOTDIR> htmldir hallo.html emptydir nomatchingdir hallo.txt

the generator <map:generate type="directory" src="<ROOTDIR>"> <map:parameter name="depth" value="3" /> <map:parameter name="include" value="\.(xml|html)$" /> </map:generate>

produces this:
<dir:directory name="<ROOTDIR>" .../>

because, the include-pattern is also applied to directories.

That's interesting. I guess, however, than that the best solution would be patching the real DirectoryGenerator (in doing so please sync the *TraversableGenerator in scratchpad too).

the difference between the PipelineDirectoryGenerator and
the XPathDirectoryGenerator:

the XPathDirectoryGenerator reads a xml-file, applies a XPath-query and
adds the result as content to the <dir:file>-tag.

if the PipelineDirectoryGenerator finds a matching file (f.e. path/hello.xml)
it tries to get content from a matching pipeline (in the example: "cocoon:/content-pipeline/path/hello.xml")
and adds the result as content to the <dir:file>-tag.

Delegating the inclusion to another pipeline looks pretty neat and definitely useful, but I don't feel like this should be the job of a monolithic generator. How about turning that part into a transformer who reads the DG/TG output and does exactly what you're planning?


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
    (Now blogging at:

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