On 12 Nov 2003, at 12:50, Stephen McConnell wrote:

Just a note to let you know that there are a number of
threads currently running over on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
concerning the establishment of a component repository
project.  After reading your email I think that many of the
subjects you have addressed below are relevant to the things
the Avalon crew are currently debating.

a content repository is a place where you store semi-structured data, you version it, you add metadata and you query it... it has to scale O(1) with the number of nodes (not even o(n), that's too much) and allow the smallest granularity possible (potentially, down to the very DOM node). Plusses are: granular ACL, node linking, transactionality, obvservability.

a component repository is a library of java components, a sort of CPAN/PEAR/apt-get for java.

Can you do a component repository with a content repository? yes, of course.

Can you do a content repository with a component repository? no and would even be silly to try to do so.


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