On 24.11.2003 09:14, Ugo Cei wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

At the same time, all the style should happen in the XSLT thus the <HTML> calendar strings worries me.

I am using another calendar with Woody: <http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl>. As the author says:

"It works with Mozilla, Netscape >= 6.0, all other Gecko-based browsers, Internet Explorer >= 5.0 for Windows, Opera 7, Safari and Konqueror."

and has much better support for styling and i18n, AFAIU. Sincerely, I haven't looked at the code to check if it prints HTML strings.

This is an absolutely cool one!! The requirements point to its DOM conformness and I had a quick view into the code and it looks good as well. Clean CSS separation, i18n support (but there own of course, which might be replaced by Cocoon i18n).

Only problem with it: it's LGPL :-(. Maybe we can bug the author to switch to an Apache-compatible license or release it under a dual licensing scheme.

The virus is everywhere ... BTW it's a sourceforge project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jscalendar). This also includes a community, it's not a one man show. The code can be found at http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/jscalendar/jscalendar/.

Is there anybody out there ... willing to ask the developers ;-) Otherwise I will do it as I started the thread with my rant :-)


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