J.Pietschmann wrote:
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

But... I swapped Xalan with Saxon 6.5.3 in Forrest and I get a NPE :-(

That's not unusual. Did you use the most recent Cocoon?

Almost. It's some quite recent dev version.

I suppose there are no document() calls in the style sheet,

There are. I'm gonna remove them soon, nut for now they are there, and will the possibility to use them will remain some time for backward compat.

because at least in the Cocoon releases I used it gets passed
null as Source quite often for no obvious reason. Xalan tends
to ignore this, while Saxon barfs.


Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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