On 15 Jan 2004, at 05:05, David Crossley wrote:

Joerg Heinicke wrote:
David Crossley wrote:

3) The Forrest website is built using the "stable" version of
Forrest (currently v0.5.1). So how will DTDs from the current
CVS (v0.6-dev) get into the website CVS [3]? Manual copy? See 4).

4) If some committer changes the DTDs in CVS then they will be
out-of-sync. Will committers remember to do the manual copy? See 3).

I don't see this problem. On the one hand there are the older files like
document 0.10 or 0.11 that won't be touched, on the other hand 0.12 (or
is it already old too?) which is developed at the moment. You can't make
incompatible changes for one version, otherwise you will break possibly
thousands of documents out there. So only extensions are possible.

Absolutely. I think that i got a bit mixed up with whatever i was trying to say in item 4. We need proper version control and we have a naming convention for that.

Forrest has been careful not to introduce any incompatible changes.
However, i think that we need to be more careful about adding even
new optional stuff. Every change should be a totally new DTD version.

conclusion: the update cycle must not be once per minute, but maybe once
per day or only week. Now what about having a cron job running on the
website server that checks out recent DTD versions? Forcing manual work
that's critical and without much effort automatically doable sounds not
that good.

Good idea. Nicola Ken suggested something similar.

Ok, a little more .htaccess magic:

# First, proxy the content straight out of ViewCVS
ProxyPass /forrest/ http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/xml-forrest/src/core/ context/resources/schema/dtd/
ProxyPassReverse /forrest/ http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/xml-forrest/src/core/ context/resources/schema/dtd/

# Now, since ViewCVS is pretty slow, make sure you cache it
CacheEnable mem /forrest/

# for a day
CacheDefaultExpire 86400
  MCacheSize 4096
  MCacheMaxObjectCount 100
  MCacheMinObjectSize 1
  MCacheMaxObjectSize 2048

# and in case your client is a good web citizen, tell the proxies down the road
# to avoid calling us since we guarantee the content is fresh for a day
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 day"

Stefano, who has been waiting for some 18 months for somebody else to come up with the idea of having forrest pregenerating the .htaccess file to do some sort of poor-man multichannel or content negotiation, but has lost hope so it's time to inject notion in the system.

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