Harald Wehr wrote:

Hi Vadim,

sorry for writing directly to you, but I did not get an answer to my posting to the developer list.

Well, you have to have a bit more patience.

I generally agree that image input handling should be present in this way or another in the Woody, but I currently do not keep all of the Woody in my head (plus, the usual time-factor) so it's hard for me to say are your suggestions good or not.

I can help you only with advice to make another attempt on the list; and file a patch to BugZilla with proposed solution. Somebody will take a look at it, sooner or later.

PS May be Sylvain or Bruno have a need for an image input and will do something about it :-)


As you were the latest one that modified something in JXPATHBindingBuilderBase in woody I try to get an answer to these questions. My mail is here:


Following snippet is a copy of that posting:

In our forms we often have to handle input parameters from an image within a form. When the user clicks in an image the browser transfers parameters of the form img.x and img.y

To handle this we implemented an ImageWidget, that is able to store the value (the image name) and additionally the x and y value.

Now we try to develop a special binding, as we have to get access to some properties of the widget (x and y).

We therefore tried to inherit from JXpathBindingBuilderBase and JXPathBindingBase but access to class CommonAttributes is not allowed. Is this an intended feature of the binding framework?

With our own binding implementation we would like to benefit from the common attributes like load-enabled or save-enabled even if our class is in another package than the binding classes coming with woody.

Can you help me with this?


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