
Not yet, but since the need exists, why not adding it to Cocoon?

About the private classes, I think its finally a good thing they are private, as IMO they need a bit of refactoring: their fields are package accessible while their methods are private, and I don't like runtime classes (JXPathBindingBase) to have dependencies on build-time classes (JXPathBindingBuilderBase.CommonAttributes).

So, Harald, my suggestion is for you to wait a few days so that I refactor these classes and then provide the new widget.

Besides the ImageWidget do you consider that someone should be able to extend from JXPathBindingBuilderBase and should have access to CommonAttributes things?


That sounds very good! Thanks for your and all the others help! I could send our ImageWidget source to you if you are interested. But as we are not so common with the woody framework it could be a hack in your eyes.


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