Geoff Howard wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Geoff Howard wrote:


Couldn't you also configure it to remove all ns without checking if you know your output should have no other namespaces (as usually the case with xhtml)? That way you could avoid buffering in that special but common case.

We can filter out all namespaces in HTML, but not in XHTML, as we can have composite documents with foreing markup.

Geoff refers to *common case*, which does not have any foreign markup, and you know this in advance. In this common case, it makes perfect sense to save CPU cycles and dump all but xhtml namespaces, and have configuration parameter like

Having done that, why not just allow an arbitrary number of namespaces to be specified? That way, assuming you know your namespaces, you can have them passed through. This I would say is likely in the majority of situations. Namespaces not recognised will be stripped.


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