Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Antonio Gallardo wrote:


Some people is currently using woody for development. On the other side we
need a test area to implement some enhancements in woody that affect
critical parts of woody. Sometimes it can broke the woody block. For these
reason we think it is a good idea to have an scratchpad area for woody
developement. In this scratchpad area, we can freely implement and test
new features before we move them inside the woody block.

Of course the Woody scratchpad area will be created after the 2.1.4 release.


+1 as well

I also think it's a good idea to considering solidifying the form methodology by:

1) removing XMLForms entirely (they have been deprecated for a while now)

+0 (I'm not using it but maybe others do)

2) deprecating JXForms (a vote is already in place, this counts as +1 to that)

+0 (we still have some JXForm apps and they will not move to CForm for a long time)

3) moving Woody inside cocoon core and rename it Cocoon Forms (we should stop calling it woody)

big +1

For people that expected Cocoon 2.2 to make this happening, well, I think we should get it done in Cocoon 2.1.5 instead.

+1 for 2.1.5!

Giacomo [who is back from winter vacations and as usual has a backlog of several hundreds of mails]

Giacomo Pati
Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -

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