Upayavira wrote:

[changing subject...]

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

From: Alan

* Geoff Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-02-22 18:47]:

Alan wrote:

* Upayavira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-02-22 07:58]:

I tend to think that Momento isn't suited to this need.

However, as an XML data repository, it seems very interesting.

I've got a better idea of how Jisp is used in Cocoon from reading
all the discussion after my post.
I suggested Momento because someone suggested Xindice which led
me to believe Jisp handled an XML persistence task.

Might not be the best bet, no.

Still, I think finding a way to use momento to reduce

memory overhead

working with large xml datasets has great potential. No one really knows how great, but a demo/sample using it would be a

start... (hint

hint :) )

Working on it. As noted, I have JAXP implemented and SAX interface to XUpdate. I have APIs. I am going to start working on services next.

JAXP... see below....

      A Cocoon generator that takes a Momento data source and an XSLT
   transform would be a start.

I'm not sure how to get information into Momento via Cocoon. I'm
thinking about some sort of Woody binding, but that goes beyond
my current understanding of Cocoon.

speaking without following this thread closly: What about implementing a Momento source?

I starting to wonder if I'm being dense... wouldn't the easiest first test integratin be to use Memento as the JAXP xslt processor to reduce memory overhead on transformations of large data sets? Maybe I've misunderstood where/what momento is as a project? The jaxp processor is declared in cocoon.xconf (see instructions for switching to saxon for example).

Yup. Alan, take a look at the XMLDBSource and XMLDBSourceFactory. I think you'll find them reasonably similar to what you might want to do (in src/blocks/xmldb/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/source/impl)

If you implemented a MomentoSource, and made it implement ModifiableSource, then you would be able to read/write from within Cocoon. With this, you would be able to use Woody's binding functionality to bind forms directly to Momento data.

You could also do something like the XMLDBTransformer to allow updates (src/blocks/xmldb/java/org/apache/cocoon/transformation/XMLDBTransformer.java).

[NB. with an XML:DB interface to Momento, you wouldn't need to do anything to interface to Cocoon].

These are also good ideas for the write aspect, but I see benefit in the read aspect if I understood correctly.


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