Alan wrote:

* Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-03-02 14:04]:

Alan wrote:

* Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-03-02 06:07]:

I need a fast and scalable xquery-capable semi-structured content repository.

Can momento provide me that?

  It could. If I were to release it open source. That's the point.
  That's why I'm engaging people on this list.

It could seems like a pretty big overestimation without reasonable technological backup.

At least three research groups spent 10 years and millions of dollars trying to build an equivalent system. One of them died (Lore) [but the source code disappeared so I suspect some big DBMS vendor bought the thing], the other went commercial [Xyleme], the other is still researching [the people at Bell Labs]

What about Berkeley XML-DB?

doesn't support xquery, its license is incompatible with the ours, it doesn't scale on multiple machines and the java API is pathetic.

It seems to be a popular open source database. There is also dbXML, which is now GPL. 
What about

doesn't support xquery, hasn't been tested in heavy duty environments,

I'm not sure what you are expecting. Momento is XQuery capable
and the content is semi-structured. That took a couple months,
but nothing like a million dollars.
Fast and scalable? Sure. Why not? If there was a design flaw
that would prevent concurrent queries or updates, I'm sure it
would have surfaced by now.

Hmmm, how much data did you have in there?

Don't get me wrong: I know the power of open source and I know that you need to start somewhere, that's why I'm asking.

Yes. You need to start somewhere.


    I'm starting out with the organization of the document into
    clusters based on application requirements.

Like xindice collections?

    Michael Kay and I are discussing how to add a simple identity
    key for use with the id attribute and the key element in XSLT.

I'm not going to start with benchmark peformance tests.

Good, if you need tons of xml to test the system let me know.

What I don't understand is how you can use Saxon as a fast and scalable database since it wasn't designed to do so.

I am using Saxon as a query engine. Momento is a document object model.

    Again, I'm not sure what you are expecting. I'm trying not to
    get you wrong.

I need an xml database with xquery capabilities to place as a slide store for when it will implement JCR.

Xindice is currently my candidate for that, but I'm always open for potential alternatives.


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