Tim Larson dijo:
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 07:00:09PM +0100, Torsten Curdt wrote:
>> Steven Noels wrote:
>> >On 26 Feb 2004, at 17:12, Torsten Curdt wrote:
>> >
>> >>+ and we remove all author tags
>> >
>> >
>> >I find this just a little bit too reactionary - especially for the
>> >little known/used areas of code. We haven't had "ownership issues"
>> >because of them in the past, not? These tags sometimes help to find a
>> >contact, when questions remain unanswered on the list.
>> Well, a lot of people gave their +1
>> I am far from pushing this - actually I see it exactly like you do.
>> ...but IIRC the board explicitly discouraged the author tag and
>> we also had a lengthy discussion about this. Since we need to
>> update the license anyway, I thought this might be the right time
>> to follow the board's advice.
> Just to clarify my +1...
> I do NOT think removing the author tags is a generally good idea.
> I voted +1 because since (unless I misinterpreted) the board is
> just about requiring it, so I thought why not do it now.
> An author tag just says this person put significant work into this
> file.  Since there is no copyright notice next to the @author tag,
> and there IS a clear license or reference to a license right above
> it *with a copyright notice and the name of the copyright holder*
> I have a hard time seeing how the board finds a problem with the
> presence of the author tags.
> If the board makes us (or convinces us that it is best to) remove
> the tags then I do not have a problem with my name leaving with
> the rest of the names, but I will think this is a silly way to
> "encourage" voluntary collaborative development.

>From the cla.txt:

2. You hereby grant to the Foundation a non-exclusive, irrevocable,
worldwide, no-charge, transferable copyright license to use, execute,
prepare derivative works of, and distribute (internally and externally, in
object code and, if included in your Contributions, source code form) your
Contributions. Except for the rights granted to the Foundation in this
paragraph, You reserve all right, title and interest in and to your


We need a new CLA 2.0 to reflect the new directives?

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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