So how can I formally request that this be a requirement in future builds -
and possibly get something for 2.1.4 as well.  

Suppose I was to deploy my product now base on 2.1.4 and I didn't capture
all the source for the dependent components and  in 6 months or so a bug is
reported.  To debug the problem I could need the source for anything that
might be involved.  If I didn't have the foresight to grab the source now
I'd be SOL if the component in question had done anything to their cvs
repository.  So obviously, I want to grab the source for each of the
components Cocoon uses when I upgrade to a new Cocoon version.  This is
pretty easy for formally released components - I just go to their website
and download the corresponding zip file.  But for snapshots Cocoon really is
the owner of the exact source used.  So it should be zipped up and available
from Cocoon's website.  At least, that's my opinion.


 -----Original Message-----
From:   Geoff Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:16 AM
Subject:        Re: excalibur-component

Unfortunately, that's probably exactly what you'll need to do.  I don't 
recall whether there was a consensus on keeping the sources with the 
snapshots but I think you're right about that.  Unfortunately, consensus 
that something should happen does not translate always to action - 
especially when there is no formal [VOTE] thread.  Sorry about that - I 
think it's a pain too.  However, the chance that you could do a checkout 
by date and get different sources is a lower probability threat - you 
can review the commit logs (many of them are sent to a publicly archived 
mail list such as [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and usually determine with 
confidence that what you have is correct.  The big arguments in favor of 
the source-snapshot were: 1) firewall cvs checkout problems 2) cvs 
history lost by repository reshuffling.  The second won't be a problem 
with recent snapshots.

Of course, maybe Carsten did do a source snapshot of those projects but 
he just did the release.  Most of those were probably checked in before 
the release and before that discussion.


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