I wrote a transformer extend AbstractSAXTransformer to transform woody form define 
file base on action and state.
The transformer do two thing:
1.turn <wd:field> to <wd:output> for read-only
2.delete some define widgets under certain condition.I use this.startRecording(); 
this.endRecording to delete the widget .
Question 1:
It looks fine when I use browser to see the xml output.But if I check the source ,I 
found if the original xml is like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
if I delete <a> <b> using startRecording the source code turns into:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

left many blank and tab.How to solve it or I am in the wrong way?
Question 2:
in the transformer I also and some xinclude tag,like:
   super.startTransformingElement("", "include", "xi:include", attr);
   super.endTransformingElement("", "include", "xi:include");
the xml is fine,but can't be transform by XInclude transformer,but if I save the xml 
and use an another pipeline to use the xml in the disk,it can be transform by Xinclude.
If I use a xslt file to transform it first ,it can also transform by Xinclude.
So I believe it my transformer's problem,can you help?

Thanks advanced!

Roy Huang

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