roy huang wrote:
> <root>
>     <a>
>         a
>     </a>
>     <b>
>         b
>     </b>
>     <c>
>         c
>     </c>
> </root> 
> if I delete <a> <b> using startRecording the source code turns into:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <root>
>     <c>
>         c
>     </c>
> </root>
> left many blank and tab. How to solve it or I am in the wrong way?
The whitespace is already there in the source (look
carefully). I don't think it hurts, and deleting it
selectively is not all that easy.

> Question 2:
> in the transformer I also and some xinclude tag,like:
>    attr.addAttribute(
>     "";,
>     "href",
>     "href",
>     "CDATA",
>     flowUri);
>    super.startTransformingElement("", "include", "xi:include", attr);
>    super.endTransformingElement("", "include", "xi:include");
>    attr.clear();
> the xml is fine,but can't be transform by XInclude transformer,

I think you missed the namespace for the xi:include element, but
added the href attribute in the namespace instead. Try
     "include", "xi:include", attr);
     "include", "xi:include");
Dealing with namespaced elements and attributes in APIs is
tricky, study the topic carefully.


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