Thanks for the info.

I tried replacing the Cocoon jars: batik-all-1.5.jar fop-0.20.5.jar
with the FOP 0.20.5 jars (fop.jar batik.jar) in that case no SVG is rendered at all because there is a problem with use and url(#), even though the reference is resolved within the same <svg> element (and resolves correctly when using FOP standalone...must be relying on different behavior than the Cocoon URI resolving provides?).

If I just try to use the FOP version of Batik (Cocoon fop-0.20.5.jar) I get a No Such Method in Batik.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.batik.bridge.UnitProcessor.createContext(Lorg/apache/batik/bridge/BridgeContext;Lorg/w3c/dom/Element;)Lorg/apache/batik/parser/UnitProcessor$Context;

So it looks like Cocoon's version of FOP is using a different (newer?) version of Batik. But that raises the question, was the Cocoon version of FOP taken from CVS and is really post 0.20.5 release?

I also tried with the maintenance branch CVS head of FOP with no difference.

I think I'll look into writing a Serializer that invokes the standalone FOP as though it was an external program so I can pickup the versions of FOP/Batik I need to make this work.

Thanks for your help,

From: "J.Pietschmann"
Torsten Curdt wrote:
Can anyone tell me how the Cocoon fop and batik jar files are generated and how that is different from the jars supplied with FOP?

THere were some Cocoon releases which shipped with a different Batik jar than the corresponding FOP release, partly due to interface changes in Batik which forced FOP to use a CVS snapshot. I don't know of the current state, but the latest Batik was released after the latest FOP release, if Cocoon grabbed the latest Batik jar, there are certainly some differences.

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