Dear Cocoon community,

I want today announce my small GUIapplication, which uses
the CocoonBean. 

I started for developing a small OfflineCMS with
cocoon-inside. During working with the OpenOfficeBean (only
available for Windows and Linux/Unix) and the nessecity to
use dynamic classloading, i got the idea to try it with
CocoonBean too.

After getting a friendly hint from Upayavira to announce
here and look if there is some interest.

I have setup a small page with some documentation and binary
and source-packages.

the url:

It is not a stable release yet and currently my
OpenOfficePlugin is broken in some cases under Windows.
A workaround is *dont* use "Quit" from OpenOffice File-menu,
otherwise OO and the application hangs and the TaskManager
will be your friend. :-(

It is more a snapshot of what I'm doing, but it can simple
launch Cocoon for Offline generation. Only open  the
"cli.xconf" from a Cocoon-distribution and hit process.

Best Regards and Thanx again to Upayavira,


After breaking my OpenOfficePlugin and searching for days,
where I shot self in the foot. I'm feeling like this guy
from this short movie ;-)

(3 MB)


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