Okay, Simon, sorry for my delay in replying.

Here's my idea of what I'd like to see.

Firstly, I'd ___love___ to see a really thin GUI, with no editors (or a really cut down notepad style editor) living within Cocoon CVS, and packaged with Cocoon .This GUI should make use of as much of Cocoon's code as poss, e.g. its loader, Avalon, etc, to minimise the amount of new code that is added because of it.

If that can be pluggable (preferably using an Avalon style component system), that would be great.

I think that this GUI, if it can be simple enough so that it will be easily maintainable by other Cocoon committers as well as Simon, would significantly reduce the entry barrier to using Cocoon in offline mode, and could increase its use in that area quite substantially.

Anything more, e.g. OpenOffice editor plugins, etc, that might require more significant library dependencies, etc, can live in the "to be created" Cocoon-Tools CVS repository. Maybe it could be the thing that causes that repository to be set up.

What do you all make of this as an approach?

Regards, Upayavira

Simon Mieth wrote:

Dear Cocoon community,

I want today announce my small GUIapplication, which uses
the CocoonBean.

I started for developing a small OfflineCMS with
cocoon-inside. During working with the OpenOfficeBean (only
available for Windows and Linux/Unix) and the nessecity to
use dynamic classloading, i got the idea to try it with
CocoonBean too.

After getting a friendly hint from Upayavira to announce
here and look if there is some interest.

I have setup a small page with some documentation and binary
and source-packages.

the url:


It is not a stable release yet and currently my OpenOfficePlugin is broken in some cases under Windows. A workaround is *dont* use "Quit" from OpenOffice File-menu, otherwise OO and the application hangs and the TaskManager will be your friend. :-(

It is more a snapshot of what I'm doing, but it can simple
launch Cocoon for Offline generation. Only open  the
"cli.xconf" from a Cocoon-distribution and hit process.

Best Regards and Thanx again to Upayavira,


<pure-OT> After breaking my OpenOfficePlugin and searching for days, where I shot self in the foot. I'm feeling like this guy from this short movie ;-)

(3 MB) http://files.purempegs.com/files/aliensong.mpeg


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