Hi Tim:

Thanks for the description. Now I see to TempRepeater as a
SimpleRpeater++. Is this correct?

I am looking for a similar repeater some days ago. The problem is:

I have a table with a Primary Key with more than one field. The current
repeaters does not allow me to define a unique-id with more that one
field. And in my case:

rowNumber  id1     id2
1            1      1
2            1      2
3            2      1
4            2      2

In this way I cannot choose any of the ids to be unique. The result is
nothing is updated.

I wonder if I am the only one facing this problems with CForms. I think
other people will need this enhancement. After thinking in how to solve
this I come to 2 posible solutions:

1- The Best: Allow repeater to define unique-row with more than 1 field.

2- Based in an special requirement: I have a fixed length of rows in the
repeater to display and the user cannot change the number of rows. The
user just fill data. I can call it a FixedLengthRepeater. Of course I can
do this based on the current Simple or Temp Repeater. But I don't like the
idea of this special purpose repeater.

Back to (1), in order to allow multiple unique-ids, we need to change from
attributes to elements: @unique-row-id and @unique-path

So in this way we can write:

<wb:repeater id="myRepeaterId" parent-path="." row-path="TheRowPath">
    <wb:unique-field id="myId1" path="myId1"/>
    <wb:unique-field id="myId2" path="myId2"/>
    <wb:value id="myId1" path="myId1"/>
    <wb:value id="myId2" path="myId2"/>
    <wb:value id="field1" path="field1"/>
    <wb:value id="field2" path="field2"/>


I need to have something like this for tomorrow. If this is OK. I will
start to work right now on this.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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