<wb:repeater id="myRepeaterId" parent-path="." row-path="TheRowPath">
     <wb:unique-field id="myId1" path="myId1"/>
     <wb:unique-field id="myId2" path="myId2"/>
     <wb:value id="myId1" path="myId1"/>
     <wb:value id="myId2" path="myId2"/>
     <wb:value id="field1" path="field1"/>
     <wb:value id="field2" path="field2"/>

It was a good idea to replace the both attributes with a more sophisticated XML structure, but it is a bad realization in my opinion.

The above is redundant, irritating (unique-field is not really correctly named, is it?) and (because of the more java code we need) bloated. On the one hand the redundancy above is obvious, on the other hand sentences like "This unique-field element ... The id and path attributes have the same meaning as in <wb:value>. ... The wd:convertor ... For more info see the description of this element in <wb:value>." will get me suspicious. Why the §$%& we need an additional XML element if we have already one that seems to be perfect for it: wb:value as the frequent references above show? Why do we have to specify @id and @path twice for those identifying elements? And so on. Such changes should be well thought out, otherwise we have to change to much later on when sophisticating our XML elements. And the latter we do this the more we will break. Unfortunately not many Woody developers are really active on the list at the moment.

Another thing that I don't like is the new restriction:
"Note: This binding is only active in the 'load' operation, so specifying the direction="save" is meaningless."

Sorry, Antonio, but you seem to be often the targets of my rants ...

NOTE: The "old style" is also supported. You don't need to rewrite your
code. But I think we can also deprecate the old way (using attributes).

I would not let live these deprecated attributes that long. Just like we did it for @readonly => @direction I would remove it as fast as possible and therefore do a big ANNOUNCEMENT on the users list.

BTW, the wd:convertor element can also be deprecated and removed as it is used in combination with the unique-row-id.


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