You're right, I'm also guilty of creating a few blocks without formally asking.

Seeing how hard it is to retrofit tests and docs to existing blocks, maybe we should require the following for any new non-scratchpad block:
-automated tests
-documentation (in the block itself, I don't think our docs structure makes it easy to integrate docs from blocks)
-a "community" (for example, at least three committers who need it)

And require a vote before creating a new block, where the creator must provide evidence of the above.


I agree with this for core blocks.

Will there be a different central repository then for the more exotic blocks that don't offer core functionality? Your community rule might hold people back from creating blocks for the fun of it.
Example: i've been thinking about creating a text-to-speech block just for the learning experience. Unlikely that more than 3 committers need this, so where will it end up if i want to donate it?

There was a discussion a few months ago about the need for a alike site, maybe this is relevant again now? By default you would allow all blocks into an incubation phase and do a vote on the ones to absorb in the cocoon dist.


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